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[2D Graphic图象处理集合

Description: 图象处理集合(对位图的处理)包括如下: 1.图象分析:图象分割和边缘检测 2.图象编、解码:huff,PCX,GIF,JPG等; 3.滤波处理:包含多种滤波器(高,低通,交互式带阻); 4.数学形态学:图象的腐蚀和膨胀,开、闭运算,图象的粗、细化等; 此外还有视图的编辑、灰度处理、图象恢复、小波分解和重构等等。-image processing pool (right bitmap processing) include the following : 1. Image analysis : Segmentation and Edge Detection 2. Image encoder and decoder : Huff, PCX, GIF, JPG, etc.; 3. Filter : with a variety of filters (high and low pass offered inter-band stop); 4. Morphology : Image of corrosion and expansive, open and close operations, the image of rough and refined; in addition to the View editor, Gray processing, image restoration, wavelet decomposition and reconstruction and so on.
Platform: | Size: 1241088 | Author: | Hits:

[2D Graphicmathimatic morhpological

Description: 该程序已数学形态学算法为基础算法,系统具有膨胀腐蚀,开闭运算,测地膨胀,流域变换,HOP-HAT变换,形态学剃度等等近一百多项图象处理功能.-mathematical morphology algorithm-based algorithm, the system is expansive corrosion, opening and closing operations, geodetic expansion, watershed transform, HOP- HAT transform, and so on morphological tonsure nearly 100 image processing functions.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 孙洪雨 | Hits:

[Special Effects60179234620073232124363828021

Description: 包括锐化、平滑、LOG滤波器提取边缘数学形态学的腐蚀、膨胀、骨架化、开闭运算以及分形方法画树木和树叶 包括源代码、3篇文档和可执行程序 下载地址: 数字图像处理源码 -including sharpening, smoothing, edge extraction LOG filter of mathematical morphology of corrosion, swelling, skeleton, opening and closing operations and fractal approach painting trees and leaves, including source code, documentation and three download the executable address : Digital Image Processing FO
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: lengjun | Hits:

[Special Effectstuxiangchuli

Description: 数字图像处理源码,LOG滤波器提取边缘,用形态学方法提取骨架线实验报告-Digital image processing source code, LOG edge extraction filter used to extract the skeleton line morphology Experimental Report
Platform: | Size: 250880 | Author: ltmx | Hits:


Description: 基于图像处理的计算机集成数控技术,在VC++中图像处理和表示,利用数学形态学方法、矢量化方法以及生成CAM代码。-Based on image processing computer integrated numerical control technology, in the VC express in image processing and the use of mathematical morphology, vector-based methods and to generate CAM code.
Platform: | Size: 1883136 | Author: berger | Hits:

[Special Effectsmorphology

Description: 数字图像处理之形态学变换,希望对大家有益处!-Digital image processing of morphological transformation, in the hope that everyone has the benefits!
Platform: | Size: 2259968 | Author: guopeihuang | Hits:

[File Formatmorphppt

Description: 数学形态学在图像处理中的应用讲义3种版本-Mathematical Morphology in Image Processing Lecture 3 versions
Platform: | Size: 1606656 | Author: 谈灯花 | Hits:

[Graph programmorphology

Description: CSarp编写的一般图像处理方法,图像腐蚀,图像膨胀,开运算,闭运算,击中击不中-CSarp the preparation of the general image processing method, image corrosion, image expansion, opening operations, closing operation, hit-miss
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: 王政博 | Hits:


Description: 1. 数学形态学在图像处理中的发展: 1.1 数学形态学在图像处理中的起源 1.2 二值数学形态学 1.3 灰度数学形态学 1.4 软数学形态学 2. 数学形态学在图像处理中的应用: 2.1 综合概述 2.2 介绍一种基于数学形态学的遥感图像边缘检测算法 -1. Mathematical Morphology in Image Processing of development: 1.1 Mathematical Morphology in Image Processing of the origin of 1.2 Binary mathematical morphology 1.3 gray scale mathematical morphology 1.4 soft mathematical morphology 2. Mathematical Morphology in Image Processing: 2.1 Comprehensive Overview 2.2 A mathematical morphology-based edge detection algorithm for remote sensing image
Platform: | Size: 342016 | Author: lijinquan | Hits:

[Graph programReferenceareabasedonmathematicalorphologysegmentat

Description: 基于参考面积的数学形态学分割算法,非常实用,包含了数字图像处理中运用数学形态学的面积,来进行对图像分割。-Reference area based on mathematical morphology segmentation algorithm,Very useful, including the use of digital image processing in the area of mathematical morphology, image segmentation.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: fei | Hits:


Description: This is in Image Processing Morphology method codes
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Mohammad | Hits:


Description: This is in Image Processing Morphology method
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Mohammad | Hits:

[Special EffectsMATLAB_Image_Processing

Description: MATLAB进行图像处理的一些实用程序,有图像增强 ,图像复原的,还有神经网路的,还有一些实例,比如形态学实例——从PCB图像中删除所有电流线,仅保留芯片对象 。内附说明,希望能够对正在进行数字图像处理学习的人有帮助-MATLAB image processing some of the practical procedures, image enhancement, image restoration, as well as neural networks, there are some instances, such as morphology instance- the image from the PCB to remove all the current lines, retaining only the object chip. Containing a note in the hope of the ongoing digital image processing to help people learn
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: zhangpeng | Hits:

[Special Effects2010

Description: 本人自己编写的MATLAB图像处理代码,绝对能用,包括图像滤波、分割、边缘检测、数学形态学等-I have written in the MATLAB image processing code, the absolute can be used, including image filtering, segmentation, edge detection, mathematical morphology, etc.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 钟伟 | Hits:

[Special Effectsmorphology

Description: 数学形态学图像处理 腐蚀运算 膨胀运算 开运算 闭运算 击中击不中运算-Erosion operation of mathematical morphology image processing expansion of operations to open operation closing operation hit-miss operation
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: 糖粒 | Hits:


Description: Gray scale morphology operation in Image Processing.
Platform: | Size: 58368 | Author: babu32 | Hits:

[Industry researchza

Description: 文件主要介绍了一种叫做数学形态学的方法及其应用,数学形态学多数应用在图像处理方面,现已有资料应用于信号处理领域-Paper introduces a method called mathematical morphology and its applications, most applications of mathematical morphology in image processing, data is now used in signal processing
Platform: | Size: 1529856 | Author: 张金敏 | Hits:

[Windows Developimage-processing

Description: 本程序是基于VC++的,可以实现图像处理的一般功能,包括二值化,灰度化,图像平滑,锐化,边缘检测,图像频域增强,图像形态学,图像分割等功能-This procedure is based on VC++, can realize the function of image processing, including the value of the two, grayscale, image smoothing, sharpening, edge detection, image enhancement in the frequency domain, image morphology, image segmentation and other functions!!!
Platform: | Size: 4762624 | Author: 金萌珏 | Hits:


Description: Morphological image processing is a collection of non-linear operations related to the shape or morphology of features in an image. According to Wikipedia, morphological operations rely only on the relative ordering of pixel values, not on their numerical values, and therefore are especially suited to the processing of binary images.
Platform: | Size: 8539136 | Author: sugan | Hits:

[Special Effectsbinary-image-processing

Description: 二值图像处理运算是从数学形态学下的集合论方法发展起来的,尽管它的基本运算很简单,但是却可以产生复杂的效果。常用的二值图像处理操作有许多方法,如腐蚀、膨胀、细化、开运算和闭运算等等。本文对这些内容作些研究探讨, 希望对爱好图像处理的朋友有所帮助。-Binary image processing algorithms are developed set theory in mathematical morphology. Although its basic operation is simple, it can produce complex effects. Commonly used binary image processing operations there are many ways, such as corrosion, expansion, refinement, open operation and closed operation and so on. In this paper, some of these studies to explore, I hope to love image processing friends help.
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 张兆龙 | Hits:
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